Our health law firm helps medical professionals and healthcare business owners properly set up, operate, and dissolve medical practices and healthcare-related businesses. Though forming or dissolving a corporate entity may at first seem relatively mechanical or easy, for healthcare professionals properly structuring a business on the front end and, when the time comes, dissolving the business to minimize long-term personal and financial risks, should not be taken for granted. Compliance issues are often a crucial and challenging part of owning a medical practice or other healthcare services business.

The focus of our health law practice is helping medical practices, healthcare professionals and health care businesses make the right moves to protect financial, professional and personal interests. Our services include:

Let us show you how to make the right steps

While all business owners must consider certain universal issues (e.g., such as tax, liability and management implications for choice of entity), medical practices and other healthcare businesses will confront many unique business issues and risks that attend “compliance.” Such issues are myriad for some healthcare businesses, and may include, for example, Stark law and other self-referral law prohibitions, corporate practice of medicine limitations, scope of practice laws and regulations, agency and vicarious liability laws, and numerous regulatory issues. Business ventures and arrangements and ownership agreements for owners or partners in a healthcare business may therefore need to address a variety of issues that do not affect non-healthcare businesses and that anticipate the conclusion of the business one day.

Let us show you how to conclude your medical practice or healthcare business properly and safely

Locking the door and leaving will not always fully protect you if you are dissolving a healthcare business. Dissolving a medical practice or any other healthcare business may raise issues and financial risks unique to the world of healthcare. For example, when a medical practice ends, what agreement is needed to ensure patient records are safeguarded and all HIPAA requirements are met? What requirements of state or federal law impact how disposition of medical supplies or pharmaceutical samples should occur? What indemnification agreements should be reached among partners? How should any ambiguities about tail coverage under medical malpractice policies be handled? Before concluding a healthcare business, all owners should consult with a qualified health law attorney and carefully inventory issues that may impact the owner’s interests and finances for years to come, so that the right steps can be understood and taken.

We represent healthcare providers throughout the United States. We are serious in our commitment to protecting healthcare providers.

“Kevin Little [of Little Health Law] represented the Medical Association of Georgia and individual physicians in a matter addressing the abuses of the health insurance industry. Kevin [of Little Health Law] was a pleasure to work with and brought forth legal theories to hold the health insurance industry accountable to physicians and patients. We received outstanding representation from Kevin [of Little Health Law].” *

Donald Palmisano, CEO and General Counsel, Medical Association of Georgia.

DISCLAIMER: Any result this law firm or any lawyer of this law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

We Look Forward to Working With You